suerte jueves

We were extremely lucky to have more visitors last month: my brother, sister-in-law, and our long lost friend from France, Noelle.DSC_0742  DSC_0802

We were also lucky that they are such easy-going people because a scheduling snafu had us all together at the same time.  Now, we technically have enough beds, but no one wants to stay in the cave more than a night or two, and, on several occasions, the rain forced us to cram into the dollhouse-sized living room or “cozy” dining room table instead of lounging about on the patio in the warm  Spanish sun.  DSC_0764

And yet, we made due and had a lovely time with all, thanks in small part to fabulous wine and in large part to great conversations.  (Plus, these folks are very self-sufficient, world traveling guests.)

Here’s to old friends and family willing to travel so far.

What are you feeling lucky about this week?

One Response to “suerte jueves

  • Granny
    9 years ago

    I feel very lucky that I got to see and old friend after more that 40 years. It was like no time had passed.

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