?Y Ahora Que?
feliz Friday

feliz Friday

The Easter Bunny made it to Spain. For some reason he left chocolate in their slippers.

suerte sabado

suerte sabado

I missed last week’s “suerte”.  We were off having adventures with friends.  And that’s what I’m still feeling lucky about:...

cosas compartidas

cosas compartidas

Finally, these are the items the kids brought to Spain that they share. They were allowed to bring two reference books...

suerte sunday

suerte sunday

Feeling lucky about:  These guys.  Arabic tea shops.  Getting homework done quickly… in Spanish.  The whole family home for lunch...

cosas de la niña

cosas de la niña

To continue… These are the items the girl chose to bring: Fairies. (Play time: once or twice) Fairy accessories and...

cosas del niño

cosas del niño

I knew I shouldn’t choose the toys the kids would to bring to Spain, even though I wanted to.  Handing over that...

feliz friday

feliz friday

It doesn’t take much to make the kids happy.  But for the rest of us, the drudgery of our grown-up responsibilities can...

huésped blogging otra vez

huésped blogging otra vez

The community blog LiveMom.com recently asked me for an update on our Spanish adventure, which I was only too happy...

un día normal

un día normal

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about what my average day looks like here.  Well, it took two or three...

caza feliz: día treinta — 2015

caza feliz: día treinta — 2015

Thanks to Rob for convincing me we didn’t need to travel for New Year’s Eve. Thanks to the kids who...